look at these people, they're not going to back off from the Word of God, they actually believe in a judgment day, they're willing to preach that, they're actually willing to speak for the voices of the unborn, they're not backing off from that?'" Chan proclaimed. "Could it be that God is saying, 'Look at this generation. In the same way that God admired Job for his obedience, Chan said maybe God is admiring Christians today who are pro-life and are not afraid to share their stance with others. In his sermon, Chan spoke about the Old Testament Book of Job, saying that Job was a man who was "blameless and upright" because he "fears God" and "turns away from evil." The 54-year-old former pastor of California's Cornerstone Community Church took to the stage at GEHA Field at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City, Missouri, last Saturday for THE SEND - a live 12-hour-long event. Pastor and bestselling author Francis Chan has criticized the popular pro-choice slogan "my body, my choice," declaring at a Christian festival last Friday that "God says nothing is yours."

| YouTube /THE SEND KANSAS CITY 2022 LIVE Pastor Francis Chan speaks at The Send Christian festival in Kansas City, Missouri, on May 14, 2022.